December 22, 2023 - Fly to Blairstown for Breakfast

Pyro organized a fly to breakfast at Blairstown, New Jersey this Friday morning.  Wheels up:  8AM.  Despite the cool weather, we had our birds warmed and fueled up in plenty of time for the 8AM takeoff.   That's Gadget on the left and Pyro on the right.  Chris was riding with Gadget.
Crossing the Susquehanna River, heading north.  Pyro is lead.
Wind were light, but it still took us about 50 minutes to get to Blairstown.  And it was cold.  My cabin heat just wasn't doing the job.  By the time we got to Blairstown I was starting to shiver and looking forward to a cup of hot black coffee.
turning ont he upwind at Blairstown.  We'll be landing on runway 7.
Safe on deck at Blairstown.
Looking at the Airport Cafe.   The four of us all had the same thing:  eggs over, sauage, hash browns and white toast.  Plus hot black coffee.  Very hot.
Gadget and Chris doing a pre-flight run-up.
So is Gadget.
And we're off!  We did some close-in form work on the way home.
Chris is a flight instructor down in Valkaria Airport, Florida.
Did Gadget add another main gear and tailwheel to his RV-7A?
There's two of them!
Approaching the Susquehanna River again.
Fun day.